India’s agriculture exports increased by 17.5 percent to $41.8 billion in 2020-21, despite a 7.2 percent reduction in total merchandise exports to $ 290.8 billion from $313.4 billion in 2019-20.
India is the world’s greatest producer of several different commodities and ranks second in terms of global food output despite the fact that it is a net exporter of food. India is considered to have an agrarian economy because more than half of the country’s labor force is employed in agriculture-related fields and more than 54 percent of the country’s land is considered bearable. When it comes to the volume of output for a number of different commodities, including rice, wheat, cotton, sugar, horticulture, and dairy products, India ranks among the world’s leaders.
Rice is the largest agricultural commodity exported from India and accounted for more than 17 percentage points of the country’s overall agricultural exports for the years 2021-22. Wheat and maize are two of the second-largest agricultural goods exported, each contributing 4% and 2% of total agricultural exports in 2021-22 respectively.
On the front of agricultural exports, India has been doing quite well recently. Several organizations, including the Agriculture and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA) and the Marine Products Export Development Authority (MPEDA), as well as commodity boards, including the Coffee Board, Ruber Board, and Spices Board, among others, have been given the authority to promote the export of a variety of agriculturally related commodities. In this essay, we will go through the top 10 agricultural products that India exports around the world.
- 1) Non-basmati rice:
- Rice that is not of the Basmati variety is referred to as “Non-Basmati Rice,” while the term “Basmati Rice ” refers specifically to Basmati Rice. There are over one thousand different types of rice in existence around the globe, the majority of which may be found in India. In the fiscal year 2020-21, India shipped out 130 lakh MT worth of rice that was not of the Basmati variety. The money that was earned by its export was around 35,000 crores of rupees.
2) Basmati rice:
Nearly two-thirds of the basmati rice that is produced in India is sold on the international market. Rice of the finest and most sought-after quality in the world commands a high price on the international market. The year 2020-2021 saw the export of 46 lakh MT of Basmati Rice, which resulted in a revenue of Rs. 29,000 crores are earned from the export of this commodity.
3) Miscellaneous processed items:
These various processed items include dried soups, concentrates for soft drinks and other beverages, ice cream, sauces, pan masala, mineral water, custard powder, and other similar products. It resulted in a return of 6.389 trillion rupees.
4) Fresh fruits Helpful in Agriculture:
In total, the export of fresh fruit brought in Rs 5,641 crores worth of money in the year 2020-2021.
5) Groundnut Helpful in Agriculture:
During the fiscal year 2020-2021, a total of 6 lakh MT of groundnut was sent out of the country. Which is equivalent to 5381 billion rupees in value. All the groundnut cultivars have a significant potential for exports. Marvelz-G, Combi Soil, Roots Multiplier, Microbes, stress free, Bhim Plus
6) Fresh Vegetables Helpful in Agriculture:
India is the world leader in the export of vegetables, particularly fresh vegetables. During the fiscal year 2020-21, a total of 23 lakh MT (metric tonnes) of vegetables were exported, which was about equivalent to Rs 5371 crores.
7) Processed vegetables and fruits:
India is one of the leading manufacturers of dried and preserved vegetables such as pickled onions, preserved cucumbers, and preserved mushrooms. Apple juice, fried chips, jams and jellies, pineapple juice, olives, and other processed fruits and vegetables all have the potential to be exported. Some examples include these items. For a quantity of five lakh MT, processed fruits and vegetables account for Rs. 5149 crores in revenue.
8) Other Cereals in Agriculture:
India is the world leader in the production of cereals, and the great demand for cereals on international markets provides a perfect environment for the export of Indian cereals. Other cereals Wheat, paddy, sorghum, millet, barley, and other cereals like them are the most significant ones. The shipment of Cereals overseas resulted in an income of 5,116 crores of Indian Rupees.
9) Cereal preparations for Agriculture:
The following types of cereal products have a significant potential for export:
Flour made from wheat or meslin, flour made from rye, flour made from maize, a meal made from wheat, etc. During the fiscal year 2020-21, a total of 4 lakh MT of cereal preparations were shipped overseas, resulting in a return of Rs 2382 crores.
The Agriculture Export Policy, 2018, which was introduced by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, has the goal of doubling the income of Indian farmers by the year 2022. This will be accomplished by increasing the volume of agricultural exports from India and integrating Indian farmers and agricultural products in India into the global value chain.
Local artists are given help by the National Bamboo Mission as part of an effort by the mission to boost exports of bamboo-based products.
The following ordinances were introduced by the government of India in order to implement changes in the agriculture sector:
- Agriculture Export Policy:
The Indian government has initiated a comprehensive agriculture export program in an effort to raise the income of farmers, tap into the country’s export potential, and position India as a leading player in the agriculture industry.
- The Farmers (Empowerment and Protection) Agreement on Price Assurance and Farm Services Ordinance, 2020:
This legislation will create a framework for farming agreements, and it will safeguard and empower farmers so that they can engage in business transactions with agribusiness enterprises, food processors, wholesalers, exporters, or large retailers.
- The Essential Commodities (Amendment) Ordinance 2020:
Under the terms of this ordinance, the central government will only be able to exercise its authority to regulate the supply of particular food commodities under exceptional situations (such as war and famine).
- The Farmers’ Produce Trade and Commerce (Promotion and Facilitation) Ordinance, 2020:
This ordinance will allow intrastate and interstate trade of farmers’ produce beyond the physical premises of APMC markets, and it will prohibit state governments from levying a market fee, cess, or levy outside of APMC areas. Additionally, intrastate and interstate trade of produce will be allowed beyond the physical premises of APMC markets.
- Statistical references: https://krishijagran.com/agripedia/india-s-top-10-agriculture-export-commodities-2020-21/
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Written by:
Manya Jobanputra
Affiliate Writer with Monkey Ads