Sugarcane Crop Cultivation
5 Modern Methods Of Successful Sugarcane Cultivation
Sugarcane is widely grown crop in India. It is a tall perennial grass of the genus Saccharum and can be grown in warm temperate or tropical climates.
India is the largest consumer of sugar in the world. And Sugarcane, being one of the main sources of sugar, is one of the important commercial crops of India. It is grown all over India including Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Bihar, Gujarat, Haryana, Punjab, Andhra Pradesh, and Uttarakhand.
More than 3 lakhs farmers have been cultivating sugarcane in India and today, with the motto of “Bharat ka Kisaan, Bharat ki Shaan”, we are here to help them do it with better results and fewer problems. Let us go through the entire process of Sugarcane Cultivation step by step –
What do we need?
For the cultivation of any crop, the basic requirements are of the right climate and the right soil. So, let us get that straight from the very beginning. Sugarcane’s productivity is the highest in tropical climates. Under warm humid conditions, it can continue its growth, unless terminated by flowering. Sowing and growing Season temperature would ideally be 20-30°C with an ideal rainfall of 750-1500mm, while harvesting season temperature can be lower and drier.
As far as the soil is concerned, Sugarcane can grow well on a variety of soils. But the ideal soil would be well drained, deep, and loamy with adequate water holding capacity. It can grow in both acidic and alkaline soils (within the pH range of 5 to 8.5). Under every process, we will talk about the specific manures and fertilizers to be added in the soil to make it most suitable for Sugarcane growth. All the products mentioned in this blog can be found on Amazon as well the website of Utkarsh.
As briefly discussed earlier, the plantation of Sugarcane is usually done in three seasons throughout the year namely (in months) – January-February, July-August and pre seasonal- October-November.
There are various methods of plantation like Dry planting in ridges and furrow, Paired row planting, Single budded set planting etc that one can rely upon.
Now comes the most important part – the manure and Fertilizers. At the time of sowing for every 1 Acre of land cultivating Sugarcane – add 200 To 500kg of Organic Manure (FYM), 15 kg of Marvelz – G, 2 liters of Release coated on 100kg of DAP, 100 kg of MOP, 10 kg of Combi Soil – Mix Micronutrient, 15 kg of Sulfur Bentonite Granules, and 25 kg of Magnesium Sulphate.
Mix all of these in soil and mix them well. With next water, add 3-4 kg of Microbes.
Marvelz-G and Release are two crucial products by Utkarsh. While Marvelz-G is a natural, organic and biological growth promoter; the Release increases the absorption rate of fertilizer in our plants.
You have now prepared the most ideal soil for Sugarcane plantation and growth.
The growing season
In order to get the best results, you have to take good care of the Sugarcane plantation during its entire growth period. After 20 days of sowing, add 50 kg of Urea with 1 liter of Roots Multiplier.
The Roots Multiplier by Utkarsh enables quick growth and development of feeding roots in the Sugarcane plants.
After 40 Days of sowing, add another 100 kg of Urea once again with 1 liter of Roots Multiplier.
This time, also add 10 kg of Neem Cake to keep the pests away and ensure constant growth of your crops during the growing season.
Hoeing and Earthing-up
Make sure to give periodic hoeing and weeding to the Sugarcane crops in the first 3 months after planting. And after somewhere around 65 days, it is a good time to carry out a small Earthing-up.
At this point, you must add 50 kg of Urea with 1 liter of Roots Multiplier, 1 liter of Release coated on 50 kg of DAP, and 50 kg of MOP.
This will help in the Fertilizer uptake and Natural Pest protection.
The final Earthing-up should be completed before the monsoon rains. Ideally, the full Earthing-up should also synchronize with the application of the final dose of fertilizer.
At this point – add 200 To 500kg of Organic Manure (FYM), 15 kg of Marvelz – G, 150 kg of Urea, 2 liters of Release coated on 100kg of DAP, 75 kg of MOP, 10 kg of Combi Soil – Mix Micronutrient, 15 kg of Sulfur Bentonite Granules, and 25 kg of Magnesium Sulphate. As practiced in the beginning, with next water, add 3-4 kg of Microbes.
This will enrich the soil and provide balanced nutrition to the Sugarcane Plantation.
The Spray Schedule by Utkarsh
Every consultant and advisor tells you about the fertilizers and pesticides required in the farming of Sugarcanes but they often fail to stress upon the importance of a very specific Spray Schedule. A schedule, which has been developed and mastered by Utkarsh Agrochem after rigorous research and practice! This schedule keeps the Sugarcane plantation healthy and ensures maximum productivity. Let’s briefly go through the schedule.
After 45 days of Sugar Plantation, we recommend spraying of Double Combi and Bhim Plus for Leaf Broadening & appropriate Growth.
While the Double Combi provides six essential micronutrients and other secondary nutrients to the plants, Bhim Plus increases the photosynthetic activity in plant, which results in the enhanced overall growth & productivity.
After 65 days of Sugar Plantation, we recommend spraying of Panther, Shield, and Bhim Plus for growth, tillering, and natural pest control.
The Panther optimizes plant metabolism and induces excellent flowering and fruit setting in the plantation.
The Shield on the other hand lives up to its name and provides plants a solid protection from all kinds of sucking pests. Here’s the best part – Shield is a Natural Pesticide and hence, 100% organic.
After 85 days, replace Shield with Neemoz Gold and add Fungnil to the previous dose of Spray. Neemoz – Gold is a very effective bio pesticide formulated from Neem extract with the help of modern biotechnology.
It controls wide range of pests and insects which are harmful to the crop. Similarly, Fungil is a magical blend of naturally occurring organic products that provides mechanical strength and rigidity to plant parts and act as defence system against fungal infestation & viral attack.
Now that all the problems are dealt with and our plants are well protected, we can focus on rapid growth & development.
So, after 105 days of Sugarcane Plantation, we get back to basics and practice a spray of Bhim Plus exclusively. Add Panther to the schedule after 125 days for ensure excellent flowering.
Harvesting of cane at right time is necessary for a great yield. The amount of sugar recovery depends on it. Not harvesting at the right time (early or delayed harvesting) leads to loss in cane yield. The right time of harvesting the sugarcane is generally recognized by the withering up leaves or through a hand sugar refractometer. A cane harvester is used to cut down the full stalks of Sugarcanes. After Harvesting, the Sugarcanes must be quickly transported to the factory.
Sugarcane Farming – Step by Step Guidance to yield 40% increase
गन्ने की खेती पर वेबिनार – 40% बेहतर उपज के लिए स्टेप बाई स्टेप गाइड
If you are farming Sugarcane crops or are interested,
then please attend this webinar to get complete guidance
on how to maintain and cultivate your crops
to get a 40% increase in yields.
Date – 31st October (Saturday) 2020
Time – 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm
Via Zoom
Register yourself at below link at the earliest to confirm your seats:
अपनी सीटों की पुष्टि करने के लिए जल्द से जल्द अपना रेसगिस्ट्रशन इस लिंक पर करें:
This Webinar is completed now. You can watch the session recording here: https://youtu.be/LU2xMqOoKYc
We wish you the best in your pursuit to grow Sugarcanes. May you have the best yield ever! Feel free to contact Utkarsh for any doubts and advice –
Mobile Numbers: 919824133044, +919924864422, +919824300544
Landline: 02621-255972
Email ID: rd@utkarshagro.com
All the products mentioned in this blog can be found on Amazon as well the website of Utkarsh. Also, the method of application and required dose can be easily found on our Website – Utkarshagrotech.com.
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