Growing your own plants can be fun as well as rewarding. Growing fruits, flowers and vegetables can be exciting and healthy. It beautifies your home and can be an amazing hobby for many. Home gardening is one kind of passion. Nowadays so many young generations are started to take an interest in home gardening.
However, to get the best results, one must follow a proper guide for home gardening.
Some plants can be grown at home and keep your home beautiful and smelling fresh.
Some plants for Home Gardening are:
Areca Palm: these plants are best planted in the spring and have a slow to the moderate growth rate. It brightens the interiors of the house. These are big and bold plants that command attention.
Rose: roses can be used as houseplants, provided they are taken good care of. The most preferred rose houseplant is a miniature rose.
Pothos: taking care of Pothos plant is very easy. It can survive in almost all conditions. This plant is an easy way of adding some green to your home.
Bonsai: originally grown in Japan, bonsai can be grown indoors or outdoors. Indoor bonsais are simply those, which have been miniatured.
Spider plant: spider plants are fast-growing shoots that can be repotted anytime. They are named so because of the “spiderettes” that dangle below from the mother plant.
Jade: this plant retains water in its leaves, because of which it can survive for a long time without getting any attention.
How do you begin with home gardening?
Select a Site: select a place or a corner in your home where you want your plants to grow. Keep in mind to choose a place from where sufficient sunlight comes in for the proper growth of the plants.
Size of the garden: the size of the garden is very important. If you plan on planting a few plants, the size of the garden should be kept small. Bigger gardens demand more time from you.
What to grow: deciding on what to grow is an essential point. Not all plants can be planted at home. Plants that yield quicker and do not occupy a lot of space should be planted in house gardens.
Plantation time: the plants or seeds should be planted very carefully. All the factors should be taken care of. The soil should be fertile. One can use Utkarsh Composter or Utkarsh Cocopeat(for water retention) instead of soil for filling the pot.
Utkarsh Pot Mix can be used, which is a combination of compost and media. No additional manure is required if Pot Mix is used.
Utkarsh Microbes should be given as a biopesticide for growth and protection. It is a combination of fungus and bacteria which helps in preventing soil borne diseases. House plants should be fast-growing.
To help with this, Utkarsh Roots Multiplier, which boosts the growth of roots, or Stress Free which helps in photosynthesis, nutrient and water uptake of roots and optimization of metabolism, should be used.
For flowering plants during the flowering stage, Utkarsh Horse Power– 20ml/litre and Utkarsh Marvel 1ml/litre should be used. Horse power is a water-soluble fertilizer that promotes trunk formation and excellent fruit and flower formation. Utkarsh marvel is a bio stimulant for flowering. It enhances the plant’s tolerance towards adverse climatic conditions.
For an amazing flower and fruit size, Utkarsh F-Enhancer or Utkarsh Bhim Plus should be used. F-Enhancer is used for boosting quality and weight of the flowers and fruits. It prevents the cracking of fruits and increases the shelf life of fruits and flowers. Bhim Plus increases the rate of photosynthesis, which in turn increases the overall growth of the plant. It increases the size and quality of fruits and flowers.
Harm can be caused to your house plants by insects like caterpillars and sucking pests like whitefly and mites. Utkarsh’s insect and disease control range can help you prevent the harm caused to your plants.
Utkarsh Bio Clean Sweep (2ml/litre of water): it is made from various fungi which cause disease in the insect’s body, called white muscadine. It eventually kills the insects, thereby protecting the plants.
Utkarsh Neemoz Gold (2-4ml/litre of water): as the name suggests, it is made out of neem extracts. It is an effective pesticide against various insects and pests.
Utkarsh Shield(2-4m/litre of water): it is a concentrate of different botanical extracts that act as a natural pesticide. It acts as a contact poison and is compatible with all kinds of fertilizers.
For soil pests like grubs and termites, Utkarsh GrubNIL/ TermiNIL should be used, 2ml/ litre by drenching in the evening.
For controlling fungus and nematodes in roots, Utkarsh NemoFunGo should be used. Its dosage is 2m/litre by drenching roots.
For air and soil-borne fungi, Utkarsh FungFree should be used. Its dosage is 2ml/litre by spraying or drenching.
You can find all of this in one simple kit that is Utkarsh Home/Garden Kit. It can be used for 5/10/15 pots.
Home gardening is beneficial in many ways. It keeps the home fresh and smelling good, looks good, and is an amazing thing to look after on the weekends. One can never go wrong with home gardening.
If you were waiting for a sign to start home gardening, here it is! Shop from Utkarsh Agro now and give a touch of beauty to the boring walls in your house.
We wish you the best yield ever! Feel free to contact Utkarsh for any doubts and advice.
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Email ID: rd@utkarshagro.com
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Once again, all the products mentioned in this blog can be found on Amazon as well as the website of Utkarsh. Also, the method of application and the required dose can be easily found on our Website – Utkarshagro.com/shop.
Written by:
Manya Jobanputra
Affiliate Writer with Monkey Ads