Watermelon Farming is mainly practiced in Maharashtra, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Punjab, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, and Uttar Pradesh.
Now who doesn’t love juicy watermelon in the summertime? We all do! But in order to supply India with the juicy watermelons in the summertime, in most of North and West India sowing for Watermelon Farming is done during November to January.
Thus, watermelons need a long growing season with careful maintenance. Today we will discuss the important stages of Watermelon Farming and the fertilizers used in them.
With a strategic use of products by Utkarsh, you can achieve an increase in the production quantity and quality irrespective of the location. Our products can be used at various stages of cultivation and plantation.
Before sowing – to make the soil more fertile
Watermelons grow best in deep fertile soil that drains easily. It is crucial for the soil to have a good amount of organic content and it must not withhold water. In order to make soil perfect for Watermelon Cultivation, we recommend application of DAP, MOP, and Marvelz – G. Marvel -G by Utkarsh is a natural, organic, and biological growth promoter in granule form for the overall growth & development of Watermelon Crops. For sowing different methods of planting like furrow method, Pit method and hill method can be used depending upon climate and season.
Let us now understand the important stages of Watermelon Farming and the fertilizers used in them.
Growth stage after germination
This is the most crucial stage of the Watermelon Cultivation and needs strategic application of our products over a period of next 35 days. The application of Roots Multiplier after 5 days and Stress Free after 6 days is significant. While Roots Multiplier is used for quick growth and development of Watermelon roots, Stress Free helps the plants in photosynthesis and also optimizes plant metabolism. In the next 30 days, a strategic application of 12-61-00, Urea, Potash (MOP), Microbes, and Horse Power is done.
MICROBES by Utkarsh is an excellent product for controlling soil borne fungal diseases like root rot, collar rot, stem rot, fusarium wilt etc and various bacterial diseases in soil.
MICROBES also solubilises insoluble fertilizers in the soil due to which growth of Watermelon plants increases. On the other hand, Utkarsh Horse Power helps in photosynthesis, optimizes plant metabolism, induces excellent flowering & fruit setting, and reduces flowering dropping.
The method of application and required dose can be easily found on our Website – Utkarshagrotech.com.
Flowering and Fruiting stage
For the flowering and fruiting stage (approximately 35th day) we recommend another dose of Microbes, 12-61-00, 13-0-45, and Horse Power. Utkarsh Horse Power is the best balanced combination of various nutrients for effective fruits & flowers formation.
Microbes is a unique combination of protective and nutritive microbes.
Together, these products will ensure an effective growth as well as efficient protection of our Watermelon Crops.
Now, let’s go through two more important stages of Watermelon Farming and the fertilizers used in them.
Flower setting and Fruit development stage
This is a delicate stage of Watermelon growth. Once the fruits are spoiled at this stage, there cannot be a successful cultivation. It is of utmost importance to ensure good fruit development at this stage. Thus, we recommend a very strategically & scientifically developed combination of following products – F-Enhancer, Stress Free, 0-52-34, Calcium Nitrate, Release, Horse Power, Magnesium Sulphate, and 13-0-45.
F-Enhancer by Utkarsh maintains uniform growth and shape of new developing fruits for best quality and production.
F-Enhancer Reduces cracking of Watermelon fruit during harvesting and even improves shelf life of fruit and flower.
Stress Free is also useful for Promoting the growth of crop, Improving crop quality, immunity, and resistant power.
Release indirectly improves the strength and vicinity of Watermelon plant. It is very useful when used along with Calcium based fertilizers as they are very much immobile. (As advised in the above combination)
Fruit size and quality development stage
Now that everything has worked out in our favour and the fruit has started developing well, the big challenge of achieving optimum size & quality appears.
This is a very big challenge as this will single-handedly decide your profits as a farmer. Only good size and great quality fruits will fetch great prices. So, at this stage, all we have to do is repeat a small combination of previous stage’s products – Roots Multiplier, 0-0-50, and Magnesium Sulphate.
Roots multiplier enables plants to take all kinds of available fertilizers in the soil as well as new fertilizers that are applied thereafter.
Stress Free is also useful for Promoting the growth of crop, Improving crop quality, immunity, and resistant power.
If you follow the above Fertigation process sincerely, we can guarantee a successful cultivation of Watermelons.
May you have the best yield ever! Feel free to contact Utkarsh for any doubts and advice –
Mobile Numbers: 919824133044, +919924864422, +919824300544
Landline: 02621-255972
Email ID: rd@utkarshagro.com
Once again, all the products mentioned in this blog can be found on Amazon as well the website of Utkarsh. Also, the method of application and required dose can be easily found on our Website – Utkarshagrotech.com.
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