Chikoo Farming is an important practice across the world. Originally called “Manikara Zapota,” it is an evergreen tree native to native to Mexico and other tropical countries of South America. In India, the fruit or the tree is commonly called as Chikoo or Sapota.
Chikoo Farming or Sapota Farming is practiced mainly in Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, and Gujarat. The fruit, Chikoo is not just used as a tasty fruit in India but in fact, it is mainly used for the production of latex which is used for the preparation of chewing gums.
Chikoo is considered high value cash crops and provide a good income to the farmers of India. The Chikoo cultivated in India also has an excellent export market. Thus, the practice of Chikoo Farming is of high significance in India. And therefore, the success of Chikoo cultivation is highly crucial for economic reasons. The fruit typically requires a well drained soil and warm, humid climate.
We have 21 years of experience in providing correct guidance, farming schedule, organic Fertilizers, and Pesticides for relevant stages of Cheeku farming to generate up to 40% better yield. So, let us now go through the important topic of “Chikoo Farming – tips for Spray and Fertigation tips.”
After monsoon and cleaning of farm
During the months of September/October when the Monsoon has passed and the process of cleaning the farm is completed, we have a specific spray schedule to promote size and quality of the Chikoo fruit. The spray includes the application of 13:00:45, Cyper + Propenophos, F – Enhancer, Bhim Plus, and Sil spread.
NOP (13:00:45) is free-flowing, fine crystalline powder useful for excellent fruit setting & fruit development. F-Enhancer improves shelf life of fruit and flower which is of high significance especially in the case of Chikoo Farming. Bhim Plus also increases the size and quality of fruits and flowers.
Because of addition of Sil- Spread in the spray solution, the spray solutions get fast penetrated in the plants making spray solution rain fast and due to this, maximum benefit of spray solution observed.
Two spray treatment schedule after every 30 days
The next two spray treatment will be done with the sole purpose of increasing the Size, Quality, and weight of the fruit and to ensure insect control in the Chikoo Farming. After 30 days of previous spray (October/November) – we need a repeat application of 13:00:45, Cyper + Propenophos, Bhim Plus and Sil Spread. We have already discussed the benefits of using these products by Utkarsh. Additionally, we will also apply CalciBoron this time.
CalciBoron helps in prolonged blooming, improved plant health, increased crop yield, reduced growth stress, and better cold & heat resistance in the Chikoo plants.
And now, 30 days after the previous spray (November/December) – we will need the repeat application of 13:00:45, F-enhancer, Bhim Plus and Sil Spread. Additionally, we also need to apply Neemoz Gold at this stage. Neemoz Gold controls wide range of pests and insects which are harmful to the crop.
For exact schedule and the quantities of the application, you can contact us or refer the website – https://utkarshagro.com/.
For insect control
The Chikoo Farming – tips for Spray and Fertigation would be incomplete without addressing the issue of Insect Control. This is crucial in Chikoo Farming as it can affect your cultivation drastically if not take care of. While all the previous spray stages took good care of insect control, here we will apply something specifically for the purpose. After 60 days of previous spray (January/February) – we recommend the application of Cyper + Propenophos and Bio Clean Sweep.
Bio Clean Sweep is a consortium of bio pesticide prepared by concept of Biotechnology and is highly effective in eliminating susceptible insects.
In March we once again recommend the application of Lambda Cyhalothrin 5% along with a valuable addition of Panther by Utkarsh. Panther induces excellent flowering and fruit setting while reducing flowering dropping especially in fruits like Chikoo.
And finally, after 40 days of the spray in march, we need to spray another dose of Bio Clean Sweep for Insect Control.
The Fertigation products
The Fertilizers recommended by Utkarsh at various stages of farming are – Combi Soil, Marvelz – G, and Magnesium Sulphate. These crucial products of Utkarsh are used alongside the regular fertilizers like FYM/Compost, DAP, Urea, Ammonium Sulphate etc.
Combi-Soil Supply required Five essential micro nutrients together in optimum dose to crops. Marvel -G is a natural, organic and biological growth promoter in granule form for the overall growth and development of plants and trees. Magnesium Sulphate enhances plants ability to produce flowers and set fruits.
All the products above are applied via drip irrigation. Choose the quantity “20 or 25 kg” on our website product page while placing the order. On the other hand, for the Spray products mentioned below, you can choose 1kg or above as per your requirements.
For more details, please register for our webinar on Successful Chikoo (Sapota) Farming: Upto 40% Better Yield
चीकू की खेती पर वेबिनार – 40% बेहतर उपज के लिए
Date- 27th Dec (Sunday) 2020
Time- 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm
Zoom Registration Link- http://bit.ly/USapota
Follow this Fertigation schedule and spray schedule sincerely, no one can stop you from having a great Chikoo Production this year.
May you have the best yield ever! Feel free to contact Utkarsh for any doubts and advice –
Mobile Numbers: 919824133044, +919924864422, +919824300544
Landline: 02621-255972
Email ID: rd@utkarshagro.com
Once again, all the products mentioned in this blog can be found on Amazon as well the website of Utkarsh. Also, the method of application and required dose can be easily found on our Website – Utkarshagrotech.com.
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