Chilli farming is one of the most important practices of Indian farming scene because of the sheer importance of this crop in the Indian Kitchen. The value of these crops comes from its widespread uses in the Indian households. Almost every curry and sabji requires a certain amount of chilli in it in one form or the other.
So, the chilli farming season of sowing Chilly is here. The popular winter crop – chilli is one of the most important vegetables used in Indian households.
Hence, the economic impact of these crops is also very significant for the farmers of India. Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Karnataka, Orissa, Tamil Nadu, Bihar, UP and Rajasthan are the main chilly growing states.
At Utkarsh, we provide you with Organic Fertilizers and Pesticides for various stages of Chilli farming. Let us begin by understanding these stages and the products that will help your cultivation in that particular stage.
Soil Application (before sowing) and Vegetative growth stage (5 days after Transplantation)
Before Sowing, we recommend application of DAP, MOP, and Marvelz – G.
Marvel -G is a natural, organic and biological growth promoter in granule form for the overall growth and development of plants and trees.
For the vegetative growth stage, Utkarsh recommends application of Roots Multiplier, Stress free, 19-19-19, Urea, Microbes, and VAMoz – S.
Roots multiplier by Utkarsh enables plants to take all kinds of available fertilizers in the soil as well as new fertilizers that are applied thereafter. Stress Free is useful for Promoting the growth of crop, Improving crop quality, immunity, and resistant power. NKP (19:19:19) supplies required macro nutrients (N, P & K) together in optimum dose to the Chilli crops. MICROBES is an excellent product for controlling soil borne fungal diseases like root rot, various bacterial diseases in soil, and various kinds of nematodes like cyst. Vamoz-S by Utkarsh profuses root biomass development and branching in the Chilli crops.
All the products above are applied via drip irrigation. Choose the quantity “20 or 25 kg” on our website product page while placing the order. On the other hand, for the Spray products mentioned below, you can choose 1kg or above as per your requirements.
Spray Schedule – On 15th day Spray, we recommend Prime all, Stress Free, and Thripoz.
Prime – All is especially useful for healthy vegetative growth of young seedling and growing Chilli Plants. Thripoz protect Chilli crops from deformation, defoliation, stunting, and dwarfing.
Flowering and Fruit setting stage
This is the important stage in the life of Chilli crops as it is here that the setting of Chilli takes place. The efficient Flowering & Fruiting is extremely significant for a desired end result as “Chilli” is the fruit of the plant.
At this stage we recommend application of these important fertilizers – Horse Power, Magnesium sulphate, 12-61-00, Urea, F-enhancer, Stress free, Calcium nitrate, and 13-0-45.
Utkarsh Horse Power induces excellent flowering and fruit setting and reduces flowering dropping in Chilli crops.
F-Enhancer maintains uniform growth and shape of new developing fruits for best quality and production.
All the products above are applied via drip irrigation. Choose the quantity “20 or 25 kg” on our website product page while placing the order. On the other hand, for the Spray products mentioned below, you can choose 1kg or above as per your requirements.
Spray Schedule – On 30th to 45th day Spray, we recommend another dose of Prime all and Stress Free on 30th day. Additionally, we recommend the spray of Bio Clean Sweep on the 30th day spray. On 45th day Spray, Utkarsh recommends the following products – Panther, Marvel, Double Combi, Mitoz, and Fungfree.
Bio Clean Sweep is a consortium of bio pesticide prepared by concept of Biotechnology. It protects the plants by killing several harmful insects.
Panther is used for excellent flowering for all kinds of fruits and vegetables and works brilliantly on Chilli plants as well. Marvel stimulates plant health and enhances plant tolerance towards adverse climatic conditions & environmental stress. Double Combi helps to prevent mix crop deficiencies in different forms occurred gradually at different growth stages of crops. Mitoz stimulates salt loss of target insect pest resulting in decrease in sucking habits of pest. Lastly, FungFree provides protection to the crop plants against soil borne and air borne pathogen.
The required dose can be found on our website and you can contact us for the exact schedule.
Fruit setting and fruit maturity & quality stage
This stage is significant for ensuring good quality, colour, size, and weight in the Chillies. The application of products at this stage will stimulate growth of the fruits and ensure they do not fall before maturing completely. It will also ensure premium quality of chillies with the right taste & colour. Here are the recommended Fertilizers – 13-0-45, 0-52-34, Combi -2, Beshape, Horse power, Stress Free, Calcium nitrate, Bhim Plus, Magnesium Sulphate, F-Enhancer, Double Combi, and 0-0-50.
Combi-2 supply required six essential micronutrients like Zinc, Iron, Manganese, Copper, Boron, and Molybdenum together in optimum dose to the Chilli crops. On the other hand, BeShape helps with pollination, and fruit and seed development. It also aids in avoiding fruit cracking. Bhim Plus increases the size and quality of Chillies in our plants.
All the products above are applied via drip irrigation. Choose the quantity “20 or 25 kg” on our website product page while placing the order. On the other hand, for the Spray products mentioned below, you can choose 1kg or above as per your requirements.
Spray Schedule – On 60th to 105th day Spray, we recommend 13-0-45, F-Enhancer, Bio Clean Sweep, Viroz, 0-0-50, Combi – 2, Fungfree, Virimune, Bhim Plus, and Double Combi.
VIROZ has its own insecticide action and it also fights the microorganism. Thus, the viral infection can be controlled effectively and the crop shows a healthy & vigorous growth. Virimune is the combination of different plant extracts that helps to develop resistance Yellow mosaic and leaf curl virus in Chillies.
Follow this Fertigation schedule and spray schedule sincerely, no one can stop you from having a great Chilli Production this year.
Webinar on Successful Chilli Farming: Step by Step Guide for 40% better yield
मिर्ची की खेती पर वेबिनार – 40% बेहतर उपज के लिए
Date- 20th Dec (Sunday) 2020
Time- 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm
Zoom Registration Link : http://bit.ly/2J1X6LR
May you have the best yield ever! Feel free to contact Utkarsh for any doubts and advice –
Mobile Numbers: 919824133044, +919924864422, +919824300544
Landline: 02621-255972
Email ID: rd@utkarshagro.com
Once again, all the products mentioned in this blog can be found on Amazon as well the website of Utkarsh. Also, the method of application and required dose can be easily found on our Website – Utkarshagrotech.com.
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