Brinjal or eggplant as we call it is a significant crop for the suburban and urban areas. It is a versatile crop and is grown extensively in India throughout the year. It is also considered a principal crop in many regions. They are grown in different regions of India, except for those with higher altitudes, differentiating on the basis of size, colour and shape.
It is an early maturing and long fruited type of crop variety. It requires a warm and an average temperature of 13°-21°C. but however, the ideal temperature to grow eggplant is 25°C. It cannot resist frost or cooler temperatures as that will lead to unsatisfactory and deformation of the yield. And talking about the soil requirements, Brinjal can grow in all the soil types and this makes the crop even more convenient and likeable to grow.
Other than having simple climate and soil requirements, the plantation of brinjal also requires various other steps that help in its growth and health. Know how to have a fruitful yield with Utkarsh Agro:
Before sowing
The soil has to be fertilized before sowing the seeds so that the seeds can get the nutrition that it requires and we can have a healthy yield. It is suggested to provide Marvelz-G of 10kg/L at the time of sowing seeds, for a nutritious soil application.
After sowing
Once the sowing is completed, the next phase starts until the establishment of the plant. This phase is furthermore divided into two parts. The first part involves taking care of the quick development and growth of feeding roots and also in increasing the immunity, resistance power, quality and growth of the plant. At this point i.e., after 5 days of germination, add root multiplier of 2kg/L and stress free of 1 kg/L to suffice both the requirements.
The second part (period of 6-16 days) involves in taking care of micronutrients and nitrogen beforehand for the growing plant and also taking precautions to prevent mix-crop deficiencies. For this purpose, you can prefer 19:19:19 of 10kg/L and Combi soil of 5kg/L for the respective point of caution.
Beginning of the flowering stage
The flowering stage begins as the buds begin to develop. 17-20 days after germination, it is advisable to apply a combination of Horsepower and stress free in order to let the plant have a healthy process of photosynthesis and optimize a great metabolism.
After around 21-25 days of germination, it is time for assuring uniform bumper and healthy flowering in the plant. For this, you can add MAP (12-61-00) of 5 kg/L and even urea if you feel the need.
The schedule of the period of 26-30 days remains the same as that of the 17-20 days. And on the 31st day, a dose of magnesium sulphate of 15kg/L must be given through spraying or dipping, for various reasons as regulation of nutrients, uplifting the plant’s ability to produce flowers and fruits, etc.
During the period of 32-45 days, 12-61-00 and 13-0-45 must be provided for bettering the growth and assuring the yield of flowers and fruits.
Beginning of fruit stage
The next 46-60 days are crucial and during this period, fungal disease and good growth of flower or fruit must be under control. For this purpose, 0-52-34 of 10kg/L and combi-2 of 1.5 kg/L must be given to the plants.
After five harvests
Brinjal or any plant requires a dose of nutrition and that is why after every 10-14 days, you can either provide 12-32-16 or 0-52-34 or combi-2 of 25 kgs/L via drip application or drenching.
We can also provide the plant with DAP, Urea, and MOP for its better health and growth.
Spraying schedule for brinjal or eggplant
Brinjal requires timely spraying so that it remains healthy and does not invite diseases or fungal bacteria. Have a look at this schedule and follow it to acquire a healthy and fruitful yield:
- 1. On the 10th day, a combination of Prime-all of 30 gm/ml and Stress free of 15 gm/ml in 15 litres of water is to be sprayed for vegetative growth of the growing plants.
- 2. Neemoz-Silver of 30 gm/ml, Prime all and stress free is to be used on the 20th day so as to protect the plant from pests that inhibit the egg-formation process.
- 3. Panther of 40 gm/ml along with Spring of 10 gm/ml in 15 litres of water is to be sprayed on the 30th day as it helps in photosynthesis, optimization of plant metabolism, reduction of flower dropping and induction of excellent flowering and increasing yield and quality of crops and preventing flower shedding, respectively.
- 4. The same must be repeated on the 40th day along with Bio clean sweep of 45 gm/ml. This will in return, help in killing sucking pests.
- 5. Neemoz Silver of 30 gm/ml, 0-52-34 of 80 gm/ml and Combi-2 of 40 gm/ml must be used on the 50th day in order to keep the soil nutritious for the plant.
- 6. 13-0-45 of 80 gm/ml, Shield of 40 gm/ml and F-enhancer of 40 gm/ml is to be used in 15 litres water on the 60th day. Shield will act as a contact poison with repelling effect on various pests and on the other end, F-enhancer will help in more fruit formation and enhance the yield by at least 30%-40%.
- 7. In order to prevent mix-crop deficiencies, provide a combination of 0-52-34 of 80 gm/ml and Double combi of 40 gm/ml on the 70th day.
- 8. 0-0-50 of 80 gm/ml is to be sprayed on 80th as well as 90th day as it is useful for maintaining fruit weight, colour, and quality of the plant. Along with that, apply F-enhancer of 40 gm/ml on the 80th day and followed with double combi of 30 gm/ml on the 90th day.
The yield may differ in different seasons, varieties, and locations, but it will grow according to the extra care you take of your plantation and provide it with appropriate products. Make sure the next brinjal plantation is your best yield so far! You don’t have to worry about the products anymore, Utkarsh Agro is giving all the products required for Brinjal Plantation at 70% off!
We’re also coming up with a webinar on tips for excellent Brinjal plantation, exclusively for you all. Stay tuned!
If you have any further queries, feel free to reach out to us on 919824133044, +919924864422, +919824300544
Landline: 02621-255972
Visit our website: https://utkarshagro.com/
Email ID: rd@utkarshagro.com
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Written by:
Beepasha Madhwani
Affiliate Writer with Monkey Ads