Gourd Production has huge economical as well as nutritional importance in India. All types of Gourds including Bottle Gourd, Bitter Gourd, Sponge Gourd, Pointed Gourd, Ridge Gourd, Snake Gourd, Spiny Gourd & Ivy Gourd are highly nutritional and have high demand in India. For the purpose of this article, we will address all Gourds as Gourd and explain the entire Fertigation + Spray process for best Gourd Farming.
Most type of Gourds can be grown throughout the year but thrive very well in a warm and hot climate. They are also grown in variety of soils but give best result when grown in sandy loam to loamy soil. Gourd vines are capable of climbing over 3.5 m (12 ft) and as annual plants, survive only one growing season.
Let us go through the Fertigation and Spray schedule for various type of best Gourd Production –
Gourd Production: Before sowing – Soil Application
It is important to prepare the soil before sowing to provide the best growing condition to the seeds of Gourd Farming.
For this, we recommend addition of DAP, MOP, and Marvelz – G. Marvel -G is a natural, organic and biological growth promoter in granule form for the overall growth and development of plants and trees.
This Basal dose will help you get best results in Gourd Production.
Gourd Production: Vegetative growth stage
Apply Roots Multiplier, just 5 days after transplantation.
Roots Multiplier is used for quick growth and development of feeding roots. The, between 6 – 25 days, we recommend the Fertigation of the following products for the best Gourd Production – Stress free, 19-19-19, Urea, Microbes, and VAMoz – S. You can access the exact schedule on our website – Utkarshagrotech.com.
Stress Free is useful for Promoting the growth of crop, Improving crop quality, immunity, and resistance power. NKP (19:19:19) is specifically useful for healthy and active growth of young seeding & growing plants.
MICROBES is an excellent product for controlling soil borne fungal diseases like root rot, collar rot, stem rot, fusarium wilt, etc. Vamoz-S profuse root biomass development and improves uptake of Phosphorus and other macro & micronutrients.
Spray Prime all and Stress Free on the 15th day for best Gourd Farming results. Prime – All is especially useful for healthy vegetative growth of young seedling and growing plants.
For all the products to be applied via drip irrigation, choose the quantity “20 or 25 kg” on our website product page while placing the order.
On the other hand, for the Spray products, you can choose 1kg or above as per your requirements.
The method of application and required dose for Gourd Farming can be easily found on our Website – Utkarshagro.com.
Gourd Production: Flowering and Fruit setting stage
Between 26 to 50 days, the Fertigation for Gourd Farming is recommended with Horse Power, Stress free, Magnesium Sulphate, 12-61-00, Urea, F-enhancer, Calcium nitrate, and 13-0-45. You can access the exact schedule on our website – Utkarshagrotech.com.
Utkarsh Horse Power Helps photosynthesis and optimizes plant metabolism, induces excellent flowering, and fruit setting to help increase Gourd Production.
Magnesium Sulphate is Good source for Magnesium and Sulphur. Magnesium Sulphate play important role in photosynthesis. MAP (12:61:00) is useful for uniform bumper and healthy flowering.
F-Enhancer maintains uniform growth and shape of new developing fruits & vegetables for best quality and production. Calcium Nitrate helps plants in tolerance to diseases and infections due to cells strength. NOP (13:00:45) is useful for excellent fruit setting & fruit development.
Spray Prime all, Stress Free, and Bio Clean sweep on the 30th Day and use Panther, Marvel, Double Combi, and Viroz for the 45th day Spray.
Bio Clean Sweep is a consortium of bio pesticide prepared by concept of Biotechnology to kill insects that harm the plants. Panther is used for excellent flowering for all kinds of fruits and vegetables. Marvel contains natural hormones, enzymes, vital amino acids, plant growth enhancers, essential nutrients for bio physio activation in plants. Double Combi helps to prevent mix crop deficiencies in different forms occurred gradually at different growth stages of crops. VIROZ exhibit dual Property. It has its own insecticide action and it also fights the microorganism.
Following the Spray Schedule is very important in Gourd Farming to increase the quantity as well as quality of Gourd Production.
Gourd Production: Fruit setting and fruit maturity & quality stage
The application of 0-52-34, Combi -2, Beshape, Horse power, Stress Free, Calcium nitrate, Release, MOP, Urea, F-Enhancer, and 13-0-45 is recommended during the Fertigation process between 51 to 160 days. You can access the exact schedule on our website – Utkarshagrotech.com
MKP (00:52:34) is the best suited for excellent flowering and fruit setting / fruit development. Combi-2 supply required six essential micronutrients like Zinc, Iron, Manganese, Copper, Boron, and Molybdenum together in optimum dose to crop. BeShape helps to prevent boron deficiencies in different forms occurred gradually at different growth stages of crops. Release is used for enhancing the ion exchange capacity of fertilizers.
Spraying of 13-0-45, Calcium nitrate, F-Enhancer, and Neemoz Silver on the 60th Day of Gourd Farming is highly recommended.
Neemoz – Silver is very effective biopesticide formulated from neem extract with the help of modern biotechnology. It controls wide range of pests and insects which are harmful to the crop.
Spraying of 0-52-34, Combi – 2, Bio Clean Sweep, and FungFree on the 75th Day is recommended for best Gourd Production. FungFree provides protection to the crop plants against soil borne and air borne pathogen.
Repeat the Spray Process of 13-0-45, Calcium nitrate, and Neemoz Silver on the 90th day of Spray.
Spray Panther, Marvel, and Virimune on the 105th day and repeat 13-0-45, Comb – 2, and Neemoz Silver on the 120th day of Spray. Virimune is the combination of different plant extracts that helps to develop resistance Yellow mosaic and leaf curl virus.
Use 0-0-50, F-Enhancer, and FungFree on the 135th day of Spray and repeat 0-0-50 and Double Combi on the 150th day of Spray. SOP (00:00:50) contains sulphur which helps to improve shelf life of fruits besides sugar content. SOP is useful for fruit quality, bumper fruit weight, fruit color, shinning etc.
For all the products to be applied via drip irrigation, choose the quantity “20 or 25 kg” on our website product page while placing the order. On the other hand, for the Spray products, you can choose 1kg or above as per your requirements.
The method of application and required dose for Gourd Farming can be easily found on our Website – Utkarshagro.com.
Following the above Fertigation and Spray schedule will definitely help you increase the Gourd Production by great quantity.
May you have the best yield ever! Feel free to contact Utkarsh for any doubts and advice.
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Once again, all the products mentioned in this blog can be found on Amazon as well as the website of Utkarsh. Also, the method of application and the required dose can be easily found on our Website – Utkarshagro.com/shop.