Today, we will learn how to increase Tomato Production in India. Tomato is one of the most important commercial vegetable crops of India because of its various domestic as well as industrial applications. In the households, tomatoes are eaten raw as salads and even cooked as vegetables or soup. Industrially, tomatoes are widely used to manufacture ketch up, ready-to-cook foods, powders, etc.
There are two types of tomato production grown in India – One is “Determinate tomatoes” that grow to a fixed mature size and ripen all their fruit in a short period (usually about two weeks) and the other is “Indeterminate tomatoes” that continue to extend in length throughout the growing season as vining plants. Tomato is a warm-season crop and the best fruit colour & quality is obtained at a temperature range of 21-24°C. As far as the soil is concerned, tomatoes can be grown on a wide range of soils from sandy to heavy clay. However, well-drained, sandy, or red loam soils rich in organic matter with a pH range of 6.0-7.0 are considered as ideal.
In India, tomato production is majorly practised in states like Bihar, Karnataka, Uttar Pradesh, Orissa, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, and West Bengal. Let us go through the Fertigation and spray schedule to increase tomato production –
Basal Dose – Soil Application before sowing
The soil needs to be prepared before sowing through the application of DAP, MOP, and Marvelz – G.
While DAP fertilizer is an excellent source of P and nitrogen (N) for plant nutrition, MOP stimulates the growth of strong stems and gives the plant some disease resistance. Marvel -G is a natural, organic, and biological growth promoter in granule form for the overall growth and development of plants and trees.
All the products above are applied via drip irrigation. Choose the quantity “20 or 25 kg” on our website product page while placing the order.
Vegetative growth stage
The vegetative growth stage is a crucial stage in the growth of tomatoes as it paves the way for good quality and quantity of production. At this stage, 5 days after transplantation, we recommend the application of Roots Multiplier and Stress free.
Roots multiplier enables plants to take all kinds of available fertilizers in the soil as well as new fertilizers that are applied thereafter. This leads to incredible growth of the roots. Stress Free is the Anti-stress solution for all kinds of crops. It helps in photosynthesis, Optimizes plant metabolism, and improves nutrient & water uptake of roots.
After 6-12 days, we recommend the application of 19-19-19 and Urea. NKP (19:19:19) is specifically useful for healthy and active vegetative growth of young seeding and growing plants.
On the 13th day, we recommend Microbes and VAMoz – S. Microbes solubilises insoluble fertilizers in the soil due to which growth of plants increases and salts in the soil decreases. Vamoz-S profuses root biomass development and branching. Thereafter, the dose of 19-19-19 and Urea is repeated between 14-19 days and 20-25 days.
All the products above are applied via drip irrigation. Choose the quantity “20 or 25 kg” on our website product page while placing the order. On the other hand, for the Spray products mentioned below, you can choose 1kg or above as per your requirements.
For the Spray Schedule of tomato production, Utkarsh recommends application of Prime all and Stress Free on 15th day spray and Prime all, Stress Free, and Bio Clean sweep on the 30th Day Spray.
Prime – All is especially useful for healthy vegetative growth of young seedling and growing plants. We have already discussed the importance of Stress Free. Bio Clean Sweep kills susceptible insects and protects the plants.
Flowering and Fruit setting stage
The flowering and fruit setting stage is another important stage to increase tomato production. Utkarsh recommends application of Horse Power and Stress free between 26-30 days. Horse Power induces excellent flowering & fruit setting and reduces flowering dropping in tomato plantation.
Application of Magnesium sulphate on 31st day, 12-61-00 and Urea between 32-36 days, and F-enhancer on 37th day is recommended.
Magnesium Sulphate regulates the uptake of other nutrients by the plant. MAP (12:61:00) is useful for uniform bumper and healthy flowering. F-Enhancer maintains uniform growth and shape of new developing fruits for best quality and production.
The application of Horse Power and Stress free is repeated between 38 – 42 days. Then, application of Calcium nitrate on 43rd day and 12-61-00 & 13-0-45 between 44-50 days is recommended.
Calcium Nitrate improves cell wall leading to better quality of marketable produce. NOP (13:00:45) is useful for excellent fruit setting & fruit development. We have already discussed the advantages of Horse Power and 12-61-100.
All the products above are applied via drip irrigation. Choose the quantity “20 or 25 kg” on our website product page while placing the order. On the other hand, for the Spray products mentioned below, you can choose 1kg or above as per your requirements.
45th Day Spray Schedule: Panther, Marvel, Double Combi, and Viroz.
Panther is used for excellent flowering for all kinds of fruits and vegetables. Marvel stimulates plant health and enhances plant tolerance towards adverse climatic conditions and environmental stress. Double Combi helps to prevent mix crop deficiencies in different forms occurred gradually at different growth stages of crops. Viroz controls viral infection effectively and ensures a healthy and vigorous growth of crops.
The Spray Schedule goes as follows –
60th Day Spray Schedule: 13-0-45, Calcium Nitrate, F-Enhancer, and Virimune.
We have already discussed the benefits of 13-0-45, Calcium Nitrate, and F-Enhancer. Virimune has an inherent ability to improve the plant immune system.
Fruit setting and fruit maturity & quality stage
The size and quality – two important factors of Tomato’s marketability are ensured at this stage of tomato production. The fertilizers at this stage ensure good size and quality of fruits while protecting from cracking.
We recommend 13-0-45 & 0-52-34 between 51-54 days with Combi -2 & Beshape between on 55th day. MKP (00: 52: 34) ensures excellent flowering and fruit setting/fruit development in tomato production. Combi-2 helps to prevent mix crop deficiencies in different forms occurred gradually at different growth stages of crops. BeShape helps to prevent flower droppings and fruit cracking.
Another dose of Horse power and Stress Free is recommended between 56-60 days with Calcium nitrate and Bhim Plus on 60th day. Bhim Plus increases the size and quality of fruits and flowers. Repeat application of 0-52-34 and 13-0-45 is recommended between 61-66 days. Another dose of Horse power, Stress Free, and F-Enhancer between 67-73 days is recommended to ensure the best yield. This is followed by Calcium nitrate and Bhim plus on 75th day with 0-52-34 and 13-0-45 in the last 73- 80 days.
All the products above are applied via drip irrigation. Choose the quantity “20 or 25 kg” on our website product page while placing the order.
The Spray Schedule for tomato production at this stage goes as follows –
70th day spray: 0-0-50, Combi – 2, Bio Clean Sweep, and Bhim Plus.
80th day spray: 0-0-50 and F-Enhancer
SOP (00:00:50) contains sulphur which helps to improve shelf life of fruits. It is also useful for fruit quality, bumper fruit weight, fruit colour, shinning, etc. The other products mentioned above in the Spray Schedule have already been discussed in the article. But, it must be noted that for all the Spray products mentioned above, you should choose 1kg or above option as per your requirements.
Webinar Recording of Tomato Farming | Sameer Allawadi
This Webinar Recording is a guide from day one of sowing till the harvesting covering all the points on extra care, products, services etc required for each and every crucial period of the plant lifecycle.
If you follow this Fertigation schedule and spray schedule sincerely, no one can stop you from having a great Tomato Production this year.
May you have the best yield of tomato production ever! Feel free to contact Utkarsh for any doubts and advice –
Mobile Numbers: 919824133044, +919924864422, +919824300544
Landline: 02621-255972
Email ID: rd@utkarshagro.com
Once again, all the products mentioned in this blog can be found on Amazon as well as the website of Utkarsh. Also, the method of application and the required dose can be easily found on our Website – Utkarshagro.com.
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