Utkarsh Agrochem excels in producing premium quality Plant Extract Agro Products that provide fast, effective, and efficient results. In this blog, we talk about the key differences between Utkarsh’s Neemoz range of products and their respective effectiveness and efficiency. We further discuss different ways to combat various kinds of Insects, Pests, and viruses degrading the growth and quality of the plants/trees.
Neemoz Basic, Neemoz Silver, Neemoz Gold, and Neemoz CP – Key Differences amongst these Plant Extract Agro Products
The range of these Neemoz Products is 100% organic, biodegradable, and completely safe for Soil, Plants, the environment, and Human Beings.
Neemoz Basic contains 300 ppm, Neemoz Silver contains 1500 ppm and Neemoz Gold contains 10000 ppm of Azadirachtin, and Neemoz CP is composed of Emulsified and 100% pure and natural cold-pressed Neem Oil.
Neemoz Basic | Neemoz Silver | Neemoz Gold | Neemoz CP | |
Azadirachtin (ppm) | 300 ppm | 1500 ppm | 10000 ppm | Pure & Natural 100% emulsified cold pressed Neem Oil. |
All of the Neemoz products contain Neem Oil as the base hence being effective against various species of pests like bollworms, thrips, aphids, jassids, whitefly, diamond black moth, nematodes, lawn grubs, etc. These products also control the eggs of the pests, and because of their strong smell, the pests remain away from the plants.
Neemoz CP being pure cold-pressed oil helps prevent common fungal diseases like black spot, scab, rust, leaf spot, anthracnose, and blight.
Each of these plants extracts agro products is applied in a particular dose by spraying, the doses are prepared by mixing these products in water in a certain quantity as mentioned below.
Doses by Spraying
(ml per liter of water) |
3-5 ml/l | 2-4 ml/l | 1-2 ml/l | 3-5 ml/l |
These products are proven to give excellent results at any stage of the plant when used for a prevention measure, making sure it is used repeatedly within 7 to 15 days intervals.
Controlling Mites and other Sucking Insects Organically with Plant Extract Agro Products
Do you happen to observe red color spider-like structure below the surface of leaves? It is caused by sucking insects like Mites. It is often a challenge to combat them, but now you have a solution to control all kinds of sucking insects and all kinds of mites, that too organically.
Utkarsh Mitoz
Using Utkarsh Mitoz to control all kinds of mites can prove to be effective, efficient, and successful. Utkarsh Mitoz causes nerve damage to pests giving quick results within 48 to 72 hours. Utkarsh Mitoz is a combination of naturally occurring plant extracts, alkaloids, and derivatives helping to develop immunity against mites as well as many other pests like whiteflies and Aphids.
Usage: A dose of 2 ml/l is to be prepared and given to the plants by spraying.
Utkarsh Mitoz is 100% organic, biodegradable, and completely safe for Soil, Plants, the environment, and Human Beings.
Control sucking pests like Whiteflies, Aphids, and Jassids using Natural Plant Extract Agro Products
Do you happen to be irritated and various types of sucking insects on your plants like whiteflies, Aphids, and Jassids? There is a sure-shot way of controlling these sucking insects and that too organically.
Utkarsh Shield
The shield is a concentrate of different botanical extracts that acts as a broad-spectrum natural insecticide.
Usage: A dose of 2-4 ml/l is to be prepared and given to the plants by spraying.
Spraying these doses every 15 to 20 days helps in prevention and keeps your plants and trees insects free. Following continuous use of this product, no resistance is developed by the pests against it, and effective control of the pests is observed.
Utkarsh Shield is 100% organic, biodegradable, and completely safe for Soil, Plants, the environment, and Human Beings.
Control Thrips and other similar sucking insects Organically with Plant Extract Agro Products
Despite the use of various chemical insecticides, you fail to control insects like Thrips, and the plants continue getting damaged because of them. Perhaps it is time for you to try an organic way to get rid of Thrips.
Utkarsh Thripoz
Utkarsh Thripoz is a broad-spectrum natural plant extract that develops immunity against all types of thrips and control most of the sucking insects.
Usage: A dose of 2-3 ml/l is to be prepared and given to the plants by spraying.
Post seven days of application the results appear.
Utkarsh Thripoz is 100% organic, biodegradable, and completely safe for Soil, Plants, the environment, and Human Beings.
Controlling Virus in plants like Papaya, Chilli, Tomato, Cucumber, and Potato with Plant Extract Agro Products
Do you happen to observe Interveinal chlorosis of leaves or a complete change in safe of the leaf or the leaf becoming narrower and ceasing of the plant growth? You might want to control the effect of viruses on your plants, and we have something that might help you in doing so. some plant extract products are needed for crops.
Utkarsh Viroz and Virimune
Usually, the main reason for the spread of viruses is vectors – like sucking pests which include aphids, jassids, whitefly, thrips, etc, which spreads virus-like leaf curl or yellow vein mosaic. To control these viruses we need to control the pests.
Viroz is a bio-organic complex with an herbal base to stimulate plant growth with vigor and strength. Virimune is the combination of different plant extracts that helps to develop resistance Yellow mosaic virus.
Utkarsh Viroz or Virimune increases the immunity of plants against pests and viruses thereby preventing the effect of viruses on the plants.
Usage: A dose of 3-4 ml/l is to be prepared and given to the plants by spraying along with insecticides and micronutrients like Combi – 2.
Applying it 2-3 times with 7-10 day intervals proves to give assured results.
Both Utkarsh Viroz and Virimune are 100% organic, biodegradable, and completely safe for Soil, Plants, the environment, and Human Beings.
You can watch out more about plant extract agro products to Control Insects & diseases in your crop:
Utkarsh excels in producing Plant Extract Agro Products that give effective results and helps you solve your consistent problems involving agro chem. Utkarsh has a wide variety of plant extract agro-products based on different problems of your crop.
Utkarsh has launched 1-Acre Kits of Banana, Papaya, Gourds, Ginger, Okra & many more
Simply order the number of 1-Acre-Kits as per the size of your farm and get the entire range of requirements covered in it.
Simply select the kit, that’s it. => Lesser Cost & Higher Profitability.
To shop a Farming kit Click on this : https://utkarshagro.com/product-category/kits/
You can easily get our products on amazon and on our website.
All the products mentioned in this blog can be found on Amazon as well as the website of Utkarsh. Also, the method of application and the required dose can be easily found on our Website – Utkarshagro.com/shop.
May you have the best yield ever! Feel free to contact Utkarsh for any doubts and advice.
If you have any further queries, feel free to reach out to us on 919824133044, +919924864422, +919824300544
Landline: 02621-255972
Visit our website: https://utkarshagro.com/
Email ID: rd@utkarshagro.com
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Written by:
Pratik Sinha
Affiliate Writer with Monkey Ads