Mustard is employed for adding flavor to a dish. it’s made of the seeds of the mustard plant. It contains antioxidants and different plant compounds that are unit terribly helpful for your health and protects your body from numerous diseases and harm. The main mustard producers in India are Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh, followed by Gujarat, province, and Madhya Pradesh.
Soil and Climate For Mustard Farming
15- 25 degrees Celsius is that the appropriate variety of temperatures for growing mustard. An average annual downfall of nearly 600- 1000 mm is needed and is sufficient for mustard farming. sediment loamy soil is that the most fitted for mustard farming, though sandy and significant clay soil additionally work simply fine. downfall throughout flowering weakens the plant.
Stages In Mustard Farming
1) Before sowing: This is often the basal dose of fertilizers that ought to tend before the sowing of seeds. FYM 3- 5 t/ acre, SSP 50- 75 kg/ acre, Urea 50 kg/ acre, MOP 10 kg/ acre, Gypsum 100 kg, and Utkarsh BeShape 5 kg/ acre ought to tend. Utkarsh BeShape helps in preventing chemical element deficiencies and additionally helps greatly within the method of impregnation, fruit and seed development. These fertilizers ought to be provided by the tactic of soil application.
2) Seed treatment: Seed treatment is finished at the time of sowing. The fertilizer to tend throughout this stage is either Utkarsh Microbes or Utkarsh Trichoz 3 gm/ kilogram of seeds. Microbes could be a combination of plant and microorganism that controls soil-borne flora diseases and it solubilizes insoluble fertilizers within the soil that will increase plant growth and reduce salts within the soil. Trichoz could be a bio-antimycotic that has protection against soil-borne pathogens.
3) After germination: these fertilizers ought to tend once germination, at the 5 leaves stage. Utkarsh Microbes one kilogram and Utkarsh Vamoz L 1 liter should be given by the method of drenching, or with water. Utkarsh Vamoz L promotes root biomass development and branching and improves uptake of assorted nutrients.
7 days once germination has taken place, Utkarsh Horse Power 8 liters, Utkarsh Roots multiplier factor 1 liter, and Utkarsh Stress-Free 1 Liter should be given to the plant by the method of drenching or with water. Utkarsh Horse Power helps in chemical processes and in optimizing the metabolism of the plant.
It additionally induces excellent flower and fruit settings and reduces flower dropping. Utkarsh Roots multiplier factor helps the plants in seizing all the offered fertilizers within the soil and new fertilizers that might be offered at that time. Roots multiplier factor helps within the fast growth of feeding roots. Utkarsh Stress-Free is AN anti-stress resolution for the plant. It helps in the chemical processes, optimizes plant metabolism, and improves nutrient and water uptake from the roots.
30 days once germination organic compound ought to tend 50 kg/ acre, by the strategies of fertilization.
4) Stem elongation: once 30- 40 days once germination are passed, Utkarsh Prime All three gm/ metric capacity unit, and Utkarsh Stress-Free 3 ml/ liter should be given to the plant by the method of spraying. Utkarsh Prime All promotes the healthy vegetative growth of seedlings and growing plants. It provides the macronutrients (N, P, K) to the plants.
5) Inflorescence emergence: At 50- 60 days once germination has taken place, Utkarsh Horse Power 15 ml/ liter, and Utkarsh F-Plus 1 ml/ liter should be provided by the method of spraying. Utkarsh F-Plus will increase the resistance of the plants towards extreme weather. It additionally improves fruit and flower quality and crop yield.
6) Flowering stage: At 60- 70 days once germination is finished, a similar method because the inflorescence stage must be followed during this stage also.
7) Fruit development:70- 80 days once germination fruit development takes place, and through this stage, 13: 00: 45 7 gm/ liter and Utkarsh Bhim and 0.5 ml/ liter ought to tend to the plant by the method of spraying. Utkarsh Bhim and helps within the overall growth of the plant, and additionally will increase the dimensions and quality of leaves, fruits, and flowers.
8) Insects Observed
If you observe province bushy caterpillar, Mustard louse, Painted Bug or Saw Fly, you ought to use Utkarsh Bio Clean Sweep 2 ml/ liter to induce eliminate these insects. the tactic of application ought to be spraying. Bio clean sweep’s spores are available contact with prone insects, germinate and grow through the cuticle to the inner body of the insect. This plant within the insect’s body produces completely different toxins, that drain the insect of the nutrients and kill it eventually.
If you see Diamondback lepidopteran, Leaf miner, Leaf borer, or Cabbage head borer on the plant, Utkarsh Neemoz CP 4 ml/ liter ought to be applied on the plant by the tactic of spraying. Utkarsh Neemoz CP could be a cold-pressed margosa oil that controls numerous pests and insects that are unit harmful to the plant. It works by hampering the expansion of the pests by swiftness down the food consumption method of the pests and inhibiting their egg formation.
9) Diseases Observed
If you observe fungus stem rot, Utkarsh Fung Free ought to tend 1 liter/ acre by the tactic of sousing, and if you observe Alternaria plant disease, White rust, Downey mildew, or mildew, Utkarsh Fung Free ought to tend to the plant 2 ml/ liter by the tactic of spraying.
If you observe microorganism blight, apply Utkarsh Sudoz- L 3- 5 ml/ liter by the tactic of spraying. it’s effective against numerous soil and seed-borne pathogens.
Harvesting of mustard seeds ought to be done as shortly because the pods begin turning yellow and therefore the seeds become onerous. the method of gather ought to be done early within the morning in order that shattering of the seeds doesn’t present itself.
Mentioned above, including all the fertilizers required for a successful harvest of mustard and For doing profitable Farming, all the linked products are available on our official website and Amazon.
To know more about Profitable Mustard Farming, Watch our webinar recording of Mustard Farming:
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All the products mentioned in this blog can be found on Amazon as well as the website of Utkarsh. Also, the method of application and the required dose can be easily found on our Website – Utkarshagro.com/shop.
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May you have the best yield ever! Feel free to contact Utkarsh for any doubts and advice.
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Written by:
Manya Jobanputra
Affiliate Writer with Monkey Ads