As every other thing on this planet, the plant needs plants nutrients regulators that stimulate their growth. . Such plant growth regulators are chemicals that are used to modify the growth of the plants in various aspects.
These helps in enhancing the roots, increasing and improving the flowers, size and quality of the roots and the overall development and growth of a plant. Utkarsh provides a series of products that can benefit you in each of the above-mentioned aspects involved in the plants nutrients.
You may know about the names of those products, but what is important is its application. Here is a simple guide to enhance the development of your plants; so that they get an access to adequate plants nutrients and bloom qualitative flowers and fruits in return. Some plants nutrients are important for the growth of the plants.
Utkarsh Agro-PGR products provide required Plants Nutrients to the Plants for their Growth
The products depend on the part of the plant you are concerned about, here is a list of PGR products that gives needed plants nutrients accordingly:
Growing roots comes in the initial stage of growing the plants. A plant grows below the ground before it grows above the ground. This is why the base of it must be strong and fruitful. In order to initiate the development of new roots, providing an adequate amount of compound is required.
1. Utkarsh Rooting Compound
Here, in this case you can use Utkarsh Rooting compound. But be careful! there are different dilution parts for different woods: –
- For herbaceous or soft type of woods, 1 part of rooting compound is required along with 20 parts of water.
- For medium hard type of woods, 1 part of rooting compound is required along with 10 parts of water.
- For hard type of woods, 1 part of rooting compound is required along with 5 parts of water.
Rooting happens way before the roots are grown out of the seeds. Therefore, it is suggested that even while the germination of seeds, 1 part of rooting compound along with 200 parts of water is to be applied. This not only helps in quick initiation of roots but also a proper development of the same. In case of plugs and transplants, 1 part of rooting compound along with 400 parts of water is essential, as it will strengthen the roots along with the new soil texture.
But why root compound?
Root compound contains Indole 3 – butyric acid in the quantity of 10000 ppm and Naphthalene acetic acid in the quantity of 5000 ppm. All these are in a way, nutrients for plants and not only the roots.
2. Root multipliers
Now the question arises, if do you need a faster growth of plants but don’t want to compromise on the feeding of hair roots? We have a solution. Utkarsh has root multiplier which helps in growing the hairy roots at any stage of the plant growth and as it has provided the nutrients for the roots, the plants have enough space and pace to absorb nutrients from the soil therefore, also helps the plants to in speedy absorption of nutrients.
These multipliers can be provided by various methods such as drip irrigation, drenching or directly giving it along with water during flood irrigation. The dose must be 2-3 litres per acre. Feeding root multiplier every 2-3 months guarantees new hairy roots and also assures good health of the trees and plants.
Rooting multipliers are made using different rooting hormones like Indole Butyric Acid (IBA), Indole Acetic Acid (IAA), Salicylic acid. These help in speedy growth and prove to be better plants nutrients. These root multipliers and compounds are 100% safe for the plants and also for the environment around them.
To get a better quality of flowers, you need to be persistent first and then have the knowledge of what products to use. In order to have an excellent flowering growth, three main categories of products are required: right amount of fertilizer, amino acids and hormones.
3. Utkarsh Panther
Keeping this in mind, Utkarsh Agrochem came up with Utkarsh panther that contains phosphorus, magnesium and boron in right proportion along with 15 types of amino acids and auxin hormones like indole acetic acid. As a result of which, Panther not only increases the number of Flowers but also increases production by reducing the dropping of flowers and fruits. It also helps in increasing photosynthetic activity and plays the role of a plants nutrients to help in the better growth of the plant.
The dose should be 2.5-4 ml/litre along with water. This application should be carried out twice or thrice in an interval of fifteen to twenty days; it will assure excellent flowering in return. It is versatile in nature and safe enough for all types of vegetables, fruits, cereals, pulses, etc.
4. Utkarsh f-plus or Marvel
There can be cases when there is only vegetative growth and no flowering growth; during this period, you can choose to use Utkarsh F plus of 0.5-0.7 ml/litre along with water or Utkarsh Marvel of 0.5-1 ml/litre along with water by foliar spray. First spray must be provided before 7-10 days of flowering and the next spray must be provided just when the flowering begins. Giving Utkarsh horsepower or any phosphorus-based fertilizers along with this will be beneficial.
F-plus is the combination of unique and highly effective amino acids, vitamins and proteins. F-plus promotes flowering and reduces flower drop. Marvel contains natural hormones, enzymes, vital amino acids, plant growth enhancers, essential nutrients for bio physio activation in plants. Therefore both of these provide healthy and needed plants nutrients to the plants.
5.Femme Gold
Many plants have separate female and male flowers on the same stem but it may be observed that the flower converting into fruits are very less as the number of female plants are lesser than needed as compared to the male flowers. This problem can be solved by the application of Femme gold. It not only helps in increasing the ratio of female plants but also help to absorb more plants’ nutrients and reduces the flower drop ratio.
The dose should be up to 0.25-0.5 ml/litre along with water. You can provide this by spraying wherein the 1st spray should be 25-30 days prior to the flowering stage and the 2nd spray should be 15-20 days after flowering starts or 15 days after 1st spray. Femme Gold is a safe plant nutrient for your soil and environment as well.
6.Utkarsh bhim plus
When it comes to improving the size, weight and quality of the flowers and fruits, most people choose to apply Gibberellic acid while most people don’t as it has several side effects. In this case, you can use Utkarsh Bhim Plus which helps in increasing photosynthesis activity along with cell elongation. It not only increases leaf size but also increases the size and weight of flowers and fruit with quality without causing any side effects and helps in improving the quality in a very short time.
It can be given by spraying, drip irrigation or drenching but it has different dosage for different plants. The application can be carried twice or thrice within the interval of 7-10 days for amazing results as Bhim Plus contains Gibberellic Acid – 0.005%, Cytokinin – 0.005% along with sea weed extracts – 16% and micronutrients in a natural form that is nutritious for the plants.
7. Utkarsh stress free
If you are using different products for humic acid, fulvic acid, sea weed extract and amino acid, then you are probably wasting your resources. Utkarsh has made 100℅ organic product- Stress Free which is a combination of Humic Acid, Fulvic Acid, more than 15 types of Amino Acids and Sea weeds in the right proportion.
It can be applied at 2-3 ml/litre by spraying or 1litre/acre by drenching or drip irrigation in the soil. Applying stress free once a month will give excellent growth of your plants, roots and stems will become strong and quality and quantity of fruits and flowers will also increase. It assures the safety of plants and the environment around them.
8. Huminoz – 98
If you are tired of using different humic acid products and still not getting desired results, it is time you shift to Huminoz-98. It is very effective and the results are seen in 5-6 days because it increases root growth and as a result, root absorb more water and plants nutrients. Monthly application of this will maintain healthy growth and development of plants and trees. Huminoz-98 is very effective which is helping to provide plant nutrients.
You need to give only 1 g/litre of water by spraying or 1 kilogram/acre by drenching or drip system or along with any fertilizer or pesticide. It contains Humic Acid – 68-69% and K2O – 10-11% along with Fulvic acid and is 100% organic in nature.
9. Utkarsh Zymoz – sea weed extract
Excellent health, strength and immunity of plants and trees is important. Utkarsh Zymoz, thus helps in increasing the fruit size and quality of your plants and trees. Zymoz contains sea weed extract which increases the chlorophyll content in plants and thus increases photosynthesis. It directly impacts the size and quality of the fruits and flowers.
It further provides important plants nutrients like nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, and micro-nutrients along with hormones like auxin, cytokinin, gibberellins that too in natural form and can be applied at at 1-3 ml/liter of water by spraying or 500 ml to 1 liter/acre by drenching or drip system. After application, you can observe the excellent results in 5-6 days.
10. Utkarsh Release
It is usually observed that Potassium, calcium and phosphorus-based fertilizers take time to give the desired results compared to other fertilizers. This is because of the low ion exchange capacity which confines these nutrients to remain in the soil and thus becomes unavailable for plant. For this, we can use Utkarsh Release, which increases ion exchange capacity of cations and anions, so fertilizers reach closer to roots of the plants and becomes available for them. As a result, the growth of plants becomes better and soil also remains healthy.
Release can also be given along with MOP, calcium nitrate by Drip irrigation or drenching or by Coating on various Phosphorus based Fertilizers like DAP, SSP, 12:32:16. The dose must be 1-3 litre/Acre along with fertilizer or by Coating 1 litre Release on 50 kg fertilizer like DAP, SSP, 12:32:16.
To know More about PGR Products you can watch our videos:
Utkarsh has launched 1-Acre Kits of Banana, Papaya, Gourds, Ginger, Okra & many more
Simply order the number of 1-Acre-Kits as per the size of your farm and get the entire range of requirements covered in it.
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To shop a Farming kit Click on this : https://utkarshagro.com/product-category/kits/
You can easily get our products on amazon and on our website.
All the products mentioned in this blog can be found on Amazon as well as the website of Utkarsh. Also, the method of application and the required dose can be easily found on our Website – Utkarshagro.com/shop.
May you have the best yield ever! Feel free to contact Utkarsh for any doubts and advice.
If you have any further queries, feel free to reach out to us on 919824133044, +919924864422, +919824300544
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Written by:
Beepasha Madhvani
Affiliate Writer with Monkey Ads