Cauliflower is one of the most important winter vegetables grown in India and Cauliflower Farming plays a significant role in the Indian agriculture at large.
In fact, as of today, Cauliflower is one of the most popular vegetables in various parts of the world and Cauliflower Farming is practiced for its edible flowering head and consumed as a vegetable in curries, soups, and pickles.
The Cauliflower’s importance also comes from its rich application, taste, and nutritive value. It is a great source of protein, carbohydrates, vitamin-B, and C as well as various minerals which are necessary for the human health. Thus, Cauliflower farming is very important for the people in general.
In India, cauliflower cultivation is done in almost all the states including Bihar, U. P., Orissa, Assam, M.P., Gujarat and Haryana.
A good cultivation, as a result of informed and efficient farming, can yield handsome rewards in the business of Cauliflower farming.
Today, we will discuss the very specific stages of Cauliflower farming and how products of Utkarsh can help farmers increase in the production quantity and quality.
Before we do that, let us briefly go through the basic requirements of Cauliflower farming.
The Cauliflower plants demand a cool and slightly moist climate condition.
As far as the soil is concerned, Cauliflowers can be cultivated on any good soil from clay to loamy, but the fairly deep loamy soil is most desirable.
In order to make soil most suitable for farming, add green manure or Utkarsh Huminoz 2-4 kg/acre and Marvelz- G 10 kg/acre also serves the purpose.
Now, let us learn about the important stages of Cauliflower Farming and what to do in them!
Healthy and Speedy Growth
The most important stage is the initial stage of growth when it is important to ensure a healthy and speedy growth of the plant. So, it is here that we begin the special Spray Schedule designed by Utkarsh. On the 10th day of spray, we recommend Prime-All. This spray will ensure a healthy vegetative growth of our Cauliflowers that are at a growing stage. Next in line is Stress Free that effectively helps in Cauliflower plants in photosynthesis, optimizing plant metabolism, and improving nutrient & water uptake of roots. Stress Free is also useful for improving crop’s quality, immunity, and resistant power. The dose of Prime All and Stress Free is repeated on 25th day as well.
After first important stage is done, let us now learn more about the important stages of Cauliflower Farming and what to do in them.
Flower Formation stage
The second crucial stage is the stage when the part that actually matters starts forming – the flowers. At the flower formation stage, it is important to promote growth as well as protect the plants. Thus, on 40th day of spray, we recommend our most trusted product – Panther. Panther by Utkarsh is a fertilizer dedicated to promote excellent flowering and also reduce flower dropping. It is exceptionally useful in flower formation stage of cauliflowers. Next, Double Combi is added to replenish the plant with necessary nutrients. On 55th day spray, we make some changes and use Horse Power for Quick Maturity of Cauliflower plants along with another dose of the Stress Free Solution.
Final Stage – ensuring Flower Weight, Colour and Quality
Any Crop Farming is only as good as the quality and size of the final yield. A Cauliflower Farming can only be called successful only if the appropriate weight, colour, and quality of flower are achieved. So, the final stage of spray schedule by Utkarsh is extremely crucial. It is the 70th day Spray and we recommend beginning with a dose of 13-0-45. Following which, F-enhancer and Bhim Plus are recommended. F-Enhancer is a strong fertilizer with remarkable results. It helps in maintaining uniform growth and shape of flowers for best quality and production. It even increases the shelf life of Cauliflowers. The Bhim Plus on the other hand increases the photosynthetic activity in plant, which results in overall increase in the growth of plant.
Finally, on the 80th day Spray Utakrsh recommends 0-0-50 and a dose of Combi-2. The Combi-2 by Utkarsh helps to prevent mix crop deficiencies in different forms occurred gradually at different growth stages of crops.
Now that you know the important stages of Cauliflower Farming and what to do in them, we wish you all the best in your farming endeavours.
May you have the best yield ever! Feel free to contact Utkarsh for any doubts and advice –
Mobile Numbers: 919824133044, +919924864422, +919824300544
Landline: 02621-255972
Email ID: rd@utkarshagro.com
Once again, all the products mentioned in this blog can be found on Amazon as well the website of Utkarsh. Also, the method of application and required dose can be easily found on our Website – Utkarshagrotech.com.
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