Ginger Cultivation is increasing due to the high demand of immunity boosters in Indian Market to fight with this 2020-21 era of Covid19 and corona virus vaccine. Ginger, an indigenous plant, is one of the most popular spice crops in the world. It is found in almost every kitchen and restaurant. Not only that, it has great medicinal and immunity booster properties too. It is used to ease cold and flu symptoms, relieve nausea and to treat many kinds of stomach problems.
Although ginger is produced in many countries like China, Nepal, Thailand, Taiwan; India remains one of the largest producers and exporters of ginger and the crop is exported to over 50 countries. Assam is the largest producer of Ginger in India followed by Maharashtra, West Bengal, Gujarat and Kerala.
Planting season for better ginger cultivation: Ginger is a seasonal crop and thus can be planted only during certain months. The best time for the same in the West coast of India is during the first half of May when there is an onset of pre-monsoon showers. In North-eastern states, it may be planted in April also. The reason behind this is that early planting with the receipt of summer showers reduces disease incidence and also results in higher yield.
It has to be noted that under irrigated conditions, the crop can be planted well in advance during the months of end February and early March.
Ginger Cultivation: Climate and soil
Ginger grows well in regions that have medium temperature and moisture in the air. It is mainly cultivated 1500 metres above sea level but it also grows well in 300 to 900 metres above sea level. It either requires a rainfed region or an irrigated one.
For successful cultivation, a moderate rainfall or irrigation at the sowing time, well-distributed and heavy showers during the growing period and dry weather with temperature of 28 to 35 degrees Celsius for a month before harvesting is necessary.
The soil that is most suitable for ginger cultivation is alluvial gravel mixed with red soil or sandy or clay loam or a friable loam rich in humus.
Ginger Cultivation: Production stages
BEFORE SOWING: Before sowing the ginger seeds, the soil should be prepared in such a way that it gives the crop all essential growth promoter ingredients it needs.
For this purpose, you can use Utkarsh Microbes which is a unique combination of nutritive and protective microbes like Nitrogen fixing bacteria and also contains essential minerals such as phosphorus, sulphur, calcium and so on.
This increases the growth of plants and helps control soil borne fungal diseases.
The seeds are to be planted at a space of 20-25 cm along and between the rows. In the initial 30 days, you should make use of Utkarsh Prime-All of 0.3 kg to supply macro nutrients in optimum doses and ensure healthy vegetative growth of young seedlings.
Stress free is used to help in photosynthesis, improve water and nutrient uptake of roots and optimize plant metabolism. It also ensures that the crop has enough immunity and resistant power.
Fung free in the quantity of 0.3 L is also to be sprayed because it protects crops against soil borne and airborne pathogens.
Ginger Cultivation: Initial Growth Stage
Growth stage is one of the most important stages for crops and thus proper care should be taken at this time.
During 35-60 days of production, you should make use of roots multiplier that helps in quick growth and development of feeding roots. You can either drip it or use the drenching method.
Utilizing 15 litres of Horse Power for quick maturity of stem and trunk of ginger crop and Stress free should also be done as per our tried and tested schedule.
During 60-80 days, the spraying combination of Combi-2 that helps prevent mix crop deficiencies and Stress free should be utilized.
Ginger Cultivation: Active Growth Stage
The active growth stage period is the time when crops grow the fastest.
In the range of 80-90 days, you should introduce Urea, MOP and mulching material via soil application.
From 90-100 days, again Microbes weighing 2 kgs and Fung Free of 1 litre should be used via drenching and drip application. Vamoz-L that helps in root biomass development and improving uptake of nutrients also aids the growth.
For the next 20 days after that, spray both Combi-2 and Stress Free in the quantity of 2 gm/litre.
Ginger Cultivation: Slow Vegetative Growth Stage:
The growth slows down in this stage and so you have to again apply Urea and MOP to the soil.
In the last days ranging between 120-180 days, again use Microbes (2 kgs), FungFree (1 litre) and Vamoz- L (1 litre). The method of application for the same will be through drenching/drip irrigation.
Ginger Cultivation: Protection against diseases and insects
You might observe various types of diseases and insects cropping up during the production stage. The perfect measures for all of them are listed below:
Soft rot/Tuber rot/Bacterial wilt: Use FungFree of 1 litre for this purpose through drenching/drip irrigation.
Nematodes: Make use of NematoNIL that is a bio-pesticide that also has the ability to colonize eggs and Nemofungo to kill all soil borne fungus.
Leaf spot/Anthracnose: Spray FungFree of 2 ml/litre to get rid of this.
White Grub: Use GrubNIL of 1 litre to control grubs, termites and other soil-borne insects.
Leaf Roller/Sucking Pest: Spray Bio Clean Sweep of 2 ml/litre to control all kinds of sucking pests, larvae and caterpillars organically.
Following this production schedule with all the mentioned quantities and methods will help you get a ginger crop like never before.
To know more register for Webinar on Profitable Ginger Cultivation: Upto 40% Better Yield by Mr. Sameer Allawadi who is an Agriculturist and Consultant for the past 21 years and is known to be an expert on crop cultivation, farming for banana, pomegranate, guava, chickoo, mango and sugarcane and has increased upto 40% yield.
He consults over pan India level with the sole motive of helping Indian Farmers to achieve better results and profitability from their hard work over the year. He is also a visiting faculty at IIM Jammu.
Register here for the webinar on profitable Ginger Cultivation: http://bit.ly/UGinger
Feel free to contact Utkarsh for any doubts and advice.
Landline: 02621-255972
Email ID: rd@utkarshagro.com
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All the products mentioned in this blog can be found on Amazon as well as the website of Utkarsh. Also, the method of application and the required dose can be easily found on our Website – Utkarshagro.com/shop.