FeGro (Iron - Fe - 12% EDTA Chelated Micronutrient)

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Product Description
Product Reviews
Composition | (% w/w) |
Appearance | Free-flowing crystalline / powder |
Iron content (expressed as Fe), per cent by weight minimum in the form of Fe-EDTA | 12.0 |
pH (5% solution) | 5.5-6.5 |
Lead (as Pb) per cent by weight, maximum | 0.003 |
Cadmium (as Cd) per cent by weight, maximum | 0.0025 |
Arsenic (as As) per cent by weight, maximum | 0.01 |
FeGro (Iron - Fe - 12% EDTA Chelated, 100% Water Soluble Foliar Spray Fertilizers) for Corrects iron Deficiency, Enhances Chlorophyll Synthesis, Respiration, Cell Growth & Development in Plants
Product Description:
- Utkarsh FeGro is a COMPLIANT PRODUCT as per Fertilizer Control Order (FCO) 1985 under Schedule 1(g) containing Chelated Iron as Fe-EDTA and having Iron (as Fe) 12% minimum.
Key Benefits:
- Utkarsh FeGro stimulates and regulates enzyme reactions for the growth and development of crops as iron activates several enzymes.
- Utkarsh FeGro increases the chlorophyll content of healthy green leaves.
- It also prevents chlorosis and spiralling of leaves.
- Utkarsh FeGro induces resistance to pests and diseases, Further, FeGro boosts growth rate, and dry matter accumulation and increases yields.
- Utkarsh FeGro helps to prevent Iron Deficiencies in different crops that occur gradually at different growth stages of crops.
Method of Application & Dose:
- Foliar Spray - 1-2 gm/Liter of water
- Drip and Soil Application: 1-1.5 Kg/Acre
Target Crops:
Grape, Tobacco and Banana, Papaya, Mango, Sapota, Pomegranate, Guava, Ber, Apple, Pear, Peach, Plum, Loquat, Almond, Cherry, Grape, Fig, Watermelon, Musk melon, Jack fruit, Aonla, Bael, Custard apple, Phalsa, Grape, Orange, Citrus, Apricot, Walnut, Pecannut, Strawberry, Litchi, Arecanut, Lemons, Pineapple, Kiwifruit, Dragon fruit, Avocado
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Sir it is edta chelated ? can i use in hydroponic
A: Yes, it is Fe(Iron) Chelated with EDTA. It can be used in hydroponics.
Q: Is it good to foliar spray it on vegetables suffering from iron deficiency
A: Yes. This is one of the best product as foliar spray to overcome iron deficiency in vegetables or any crop.
Q: Does it containes all trace elements??
A: No. It only contains iron/Fe. For all trace elements, we have combi-2.
Q: How often should this be used for potted flowers?
A: 15-20 days.
Q: Is this can be used in aquaponics plants ? And how?
A: Yes. In 2 litre water take 10-20 gms. of Fe EDTA (Utkarsh Fegro) For 50 litres aquarium water, use 10 ml solution. Give it along with Utkarsh Aquarium micro EDTA
Q: Does it contain boron also ?
A: No. it contains Only Iron – Fe.
Q: Is is helpful to save mango tree from becoming yellow. Yellow leaves i mean.
A: Insufficient water
Q: Why is the delivery charge given is more than the price of the product ?
A: Sir please check again. It is not so.
Q: Rather spray, can i mix it in potting-soil before planting camellia, make it acidic ? if yes what quantity please. i purchased this item. thanks.
A: Instead of mixing in potting soil, we recommend give water solution of Fe EDTA @1-2 gm/litre water. More concentration may bring toxicity. Fe EDTA is acidic in nature. So it will reduce pH of potting soil after application.
Q: please make Chelated Iron + Chelated Zinc combo product
A: We have both in combi 2. We can make any grade if you need it minimum 50 kg.
Q: is this organic
A: No.
Q: Can i use this in aquarium in what ratio?
A: Yes. Make stock solution by adding 20 gm/litre water. Add 10 ml of stock solution for 50 litre aquarium water. Repeat every alternate day
Q: How should we apply it for ground ixora plants with leaves turned yellow?
A: Take FeGro 2 grams per litre water. Give drenching od this solution in the roots. Repeat 2 to 3 times till deficiency is covered with 7 days interval
Q: Can i directly apply on soil ?? if yes then what quantity for 10-12 inch pots . thanks
A: You can apply directly and then give water. For 10-12 inch pots, use 2-4 grams In single application
Q: Does this also increase the soil acidity?
A: No
Q: Is it good for rice crop?
A: Yes.
Q: Can I use it Aquaponics?
A: Yes
Q: Can I kill the snails in my garden with this product?
A: No. This is a Fertilizer.
Q: Can i use this for my aquarium plants?
A: Yes. For water pH 7-8.
Q: Sir which one is more good for planted aquarium, utkarsh fegro (iron – fe edta – 12%) or utkarsh fe-aquarium (fe (11%)
A: It depends upon water pH of your aquarium. For pH below 6.5 i.e. acidic water, Fe aquarium is good option. For pH around 7-7.5, i.e. nuetral water, Utkarsh Fegrow is best. For pH between 8-11, i.e. alkaline water, Utkarsh Feedrip is best.
Q: Can I use this with seaweed extract?
A: Yes
Q: Will this effect the ph in aquarium i meen increase or decrease as the ph in my aquarium is in between 7.5 to 6.8
A: It is used for agriculture purpose
Q: What is the shelf life of this product??
A: Shelf life? You want to use it or want next civilization to find it when they do any sort of excavation
Q: My soil ph is greater than 8, should i use this product or utkarsh feedrip. my usage is for flowers and vegetables in soil. not hydroponic.
A: For spraying use Fegro. For soil application, use FeeDrip
Q: how it is used for hibiscus plants ?
A: Spraying on plants @1to 2 gm per litre water. Repeat spray every 15-25 days depending on deficiency.
Q: Required ph level
A: I don’t have accurate knowledge. I maintain 5.5 – 6.5
Q: Will you be able to suggest best mix of your product combination for flowering plants like jamine and rose and fruiting plants with dosage to increas
A: Spraying For 1 litre water Utkarsh Panther 3 ml Utkarsh F plus 1 ml Repeat spray every 15-20 days for best results.
Q: Can i just buy combi-2 instead of fegro since combi-2 has iron plus other micronutrients?
A: If there is no distinct deficiency of Iron, you can only buy combi 2 as preventive dose.
Q: How to use it?
A: Use not more than 1 GM per litre of water for foliage spray and 2gms per litre it you are drenching the root with 100ml of water. Use combi 2 and FE EDTA separately with the same above combination once every week or once in 10 days at least.
Q: Is it Organic ??
A: No. They are chelated chemical fertilizers.
Q: This iron is chelared?
A: Yes. It is chelated.
Q: Can we use it for aquarium.
A: Yes
Q: Can we add both supplements in single water or have to spary with time gap
A: You can add when you see severe iron(Fe) deficiency.
Q: How much quantity can use fegro and etda flfor 250 liter tank aquarium
A: This is for agricultural purposes. It is usually 0.5 to 2 gram per litre.
Q: Can we Apply both at sametime in soil if we Can see the deficiency
A: Yes. Also, both can be sprayed together for better performance.
Q: As i understood from answer in another of ur product, combi-2 is for open fields, so instead of combi-2 can i get utkarsh aquarium edta mix (250gm)?
A: Both combi 2 and aquarium EDTA are available in 250 gm packing. Combi 2 is for open field and green house farming. Aquarium EDTA is specially prepared for plants in aquarium. Both have similar ingredients but in different proportions
Q: How to use it for hydroponics. ?
A: 3.For iron (Fe) deficiency In 2 litre water take 10-20 gms. of Fe EDTA (Utkarsh Fe-Gro ) For 50 litres aquarium water, use 10 ml solution. Use it along with Aquarium micro EDTA.
Q: Can we use it for aquarium
A: This is for agricultural purposes only.
Q: Kindly also guide how to Concurrently use this combi -2 with trichoderma
A: First use both as per dosage when giving in soil. Next day, you can use trichoderma. If you are spraying, you can use trichoderma same time also.
Q: What we should NOT apply before and after this spray and for how many days?
A: There is no such restrictions when using FeGro. You can use products as per requirement.
Q: Can it be used for nutmeg plants ?
A: Yes